Sydney Secondary College Timor Leste Sister school program: Malibaca High No.2 Maliana
Origins of the program
The program began in 2005 when Sydney Secondary College became a partner, with Leichhardt Council, in the Friends of Maliana, a local community partnership with the town of Maliana in East Timor. In this capacity, students from Sydney Secondary College have been involved in a number of projects to support the community of Maliana.
Sister school program
More recently steps have been taken to establish an enduring reciprocal relationship with the Escola Secundaria Publico No 2 Yamato, the senior high school in Maliana. In addition to our relationship with our sister school the college is also engaged in the ongoing support of Encouragement House, a dormitory for secondary students in Maliana.
Purpose of the proposed excursion
It is important to note that this program gives Sydney Secondary College a unique position in the state education system of NSW. The College has been the first and only state high school to establish a sister school in East Timor. Additionally the college hosted six teachers from Escola Secundaria Publico No 2 Yamato in 2012.
Study tours conducted each year from 2011 onwards have been an ideal opportunity to further develop this important relationship between our sister school and Sydney Secondary College. Study tours provide opportunities for educational and cultural exchange in a manner not previously possible. It is envisaged that students from both schools will be engaged in a range of activities over the time of the proposed study tour, ensuring that students from both schools benefit from the time spent together.
Involvement of each campus
Future study tours are aimed at students from year 11 Blackwattle Bay Campus and Year 10 at Balmain and Leichhardt campuses. In particular, the program targets students who are studying Society and Culture, Legal Studies and Geography for the Higher School Certificate.
For selected students of Society and Culture, the opportunity to study East Timor as a focus for the Personal Interest Project is unprecedented. In Legal Studies, the contemporary study of a human rights issue is also to be undertaken. Geography students are able to develop their understanding of economic, political and development geography topics. For Stage 5 Geography students, an immersion in the culture of our nearest neighbour is a unique opportunity.
Teachers from each campus will be invited to participate in the study tour, and become part of the committee for future plans.
Leadership outcomes
Students from Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus, who represent our college in East Timor, return from the study tour as ambassadors for the project, ensuring that this project remains in the forefront of the consciousness of all our students. It is envisaged that each study will strengthen our close relationship between our schools
Specific outcomes for student's outcomes:
Support of the direction of the Sister School Program
- Positive conviction in lifting the level of citizenship in a college humanitarian program
Development of empathy
- Understanding of cultural differences
- Greater degree of tolerance of and compassion for others
Development of teamwork
- Capacity to cooperate and work closely with others
- Willingness to work in a collaborative manner for a common purpose
Development of communication skills
- Ability to represent the college in a variety of settings
- Formal: speeches, presentations, classroom lessons
- Informal: joining in on cultural experiences such as singing and dancing
Inspirational outcome
- Provision of guidance, motivation & encouragement to other students in the college to support engaged in the program
Future plans
The program plans to continue the establishment of the Business Centre. This will involve the establisment of a classroom for past students of the school to continue their studies in English to assist them in their pathways to university or further study. In addition, the program aims to provide electricity to the site as well as provide ipads and textbooks for vocational courses to be delivered.