International students at Blackwattle Bay are offered academic and well being support in them adjusting to studying in a foreign school. Year 12 international student meet every Friday with the International Student coordinator during mentoring. Ms Liu provides support in the study centre for Year 11 students and Year 12 students have access to Edge Tutors in English and Mathematics.
Year 11 - immersion mentoring program with other mainstream students
Every term students gather in Week 7 for the international student lunch where they have the opportunity to relax with the international team and discuss any issues they are experiencing. It is also an opportunity for us to congratulate our student on their success in reports, attendance or school events.
International students' program
As part of the wellbeing program at Blackwattle Bay, a group of international students from Year 11 and Year 12 had the opportunity to put aside their books for a day and escape to the serenity of the Blue Mountains. This day tour not only provided a chance for our international students to be culturally enriched by our breathtaking and tranquil scenery of Wentworth falls and The Three Sisters in Katoomba, but more importantly, it enabled them to enjoy some quality down time from their stressful senior studies. Although students were exhausted after the hike in Wentworth falls, they all gave themselves a good pat on the back for working as hard as they did. The day ended with a peaceful stroll around Featherdale Wildlife Park, where for many, encountering our Australian wildlife friends was a first and unforgettable experience.