Careers Department at Blackwattle Bay
The Career Department at Sydney Secondary College, Blackwattle Bay Campus is coordinated by Careers Adviser, Ms Anna Letsios. Her role is to assist the career development of each student and to support their transition from school to work.
The Careers Department offers the following services to students and parents:
- Career counselling - the major component of the career education program at school. Students (with their parents) are welcome to make an appointment with Ms Letsios to discuss their future career goals.
- Psychometric and career testing - available to all students
- Resume workshops – are conducted at various times of the year. Students are encouraged to attend these workshops to learn the skills in developing a dynamic resume
- Interview skills workshops – these are held in Term 2 and are aimed at Year 12 students to prepare them for job interviews but also for scholarships, cadetships and in some cases for some universities courses.
- University and TAFE open days – During Terms 3 and 4, the school organises visits to various city universities and TAFEs – students are to look out for dates in weekly Careers Newsletter.
- Career expos – all year 12 students are invited to attend the Career and Employment Expo held in Term 2
- Scholarship writing workshops – year 12 students are invited to various scholarship writing workshops in Term 3. Scholarships applications can be very complex and these workshops are designed to assist students in understanding what universities and colleges are looking for in future scholarship candidates
- Guest speakers – During the year, guest speakers from a variety of occupations are invited to the school to speak to students about various topics. Information on these speakers will be found in Buzz at the Bay
The careers office
The careers centre is located next to the Library. It is a welcoming space for all students to utilise all the excellent and up to date career resources which include careers books (Career FAQS), job guides, UAC guides, career testing packages and so much more. Students and parents are welcome to contact Ms Letsios for career advice and information. In addition, it is important that students regularly check the career noticeboard outside the careers centre for current career information on:
- Open days at Universities and TAFE
- Information from Universities and TAFE
- Job opportunities - casual and full-time
- Cadetships and scholarships offered by universities and businesses
- Latest training schemes offered by Commonwealth Employment Services
- Pre-requisites, assumed knowledge and approximate ATARs need by universities
- Career markets and career expos
- Information on job requirements and labour market and much more.
Students are also encouraged to regularly check their DEC email during term time for additional important career information.
Students and parents are also encouraged to look at which provides free national career information and exploration service. It can help students make career decisions, plan career pathways and manage work transitions. It is a fun and interactive website with loads of information and videos to watch.