Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus

Quality, Opportunity, Diversity

Telephone02 9660 5688

International students

Overseas students are very welcome at Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus. Overseas students interested in becoming an International Student at Blackwattle Bay Campus should first visit the DE International website.

DE International

Locked Bag 53, Darlinghurst NSW 1300 Australia

Customer Service Centre

Calling from overseas: + 61 2 9244 5555
Calling from inside Australia: 1300 300 229
Fax: + 61 2 8293 6928


Further information is also available from Blackwattle Bay Campus. Contact Helen Ma +61 2 9660 5688

International students can take advantage of the state of the art facilities and learning spaces. Students can select EAL/D, Standard or Advanced English depending on their level of competency. Blackwattle Bay Campus caters for students who wish to do extension courses in Mathematics 1 and 2 and in all Science subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Studies and Senior Science. Business Studies, Economics, Legal Studies and Engineering Studies also provide many international students with an attractive pathway to university courses in the business and engineering sectors. Languages other than English (LOTE) subjects delivered by teaching staff include Chinese Background Speakers, Japanese Beginners and Continuers as well as French and Italian Beginners and Continuers.

Students who wish to pursue other career pathways are well catered for in the many VET courses on offer- Hospitality, Entertainment industry, Retail, Business services, Construction and information technology. 

International students should refer to the Senior Course Guide for full descriptions of subjects and application forms after gaining approval from the International student centre. 

All international students are supported through the school's well being program structured around our Mentoring Program. The International student team is made up of Ms Jan Cuke (Deputy Principal/ International student coordinator) and Ms Chang Liu (Assistant coordinator) and Ms Lynn Gilmour (School Administrative and Support Staff). A number of cultural events are organised throughout the year including a visit to The Blue Mountains, Bondi Coogee Coastal walk and international lunches. International students are encouraged to become part of the school's programs such as Diversity Day, the Ambassador Program and the SRC. The International Students Orientation Handbook is a valuable resource to support students in their transition to Blackwattle Bay Campus.

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